Mixture of narrative and performance. Having bits and pieces of a guy singing, and other bits of a girl who feels alone and frightened. Following the moral feeling of the lyrics. Perhaps having the girl crying at times ‘there’s a time to cry’ then the guy singing, ‘but its not tonight’.

No band, but just a man singing with a microphone, perhaps on a white background, the white showing purity perhaps. Inspired by the video of ‘love like woe’ by the ready set. The dulled colours of the narrative inspired by Ed Sheeran’s video of ‘the A team’
Idea two
Purely performance based with whole band, but perhaps moving the band from place to place; having close ups of the people/instruments before switching to another location. I like the idea off colour; could perhaps A – find more colourful/lively places to move the band to as it goes on, or B – filtering the colour in more and more as the story goes along, starting off quite dark and dreary but ending up hopeful. Lighter.
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