I will probably need a couple of different locations for the video that I want to do. These will be for the two different stories I will have in it, and will include a performance part and a narrative.
Location one – this will be for the performance part of my video and will be set somewhere where I can find a totally white background. This is something that can easily be created anywhere, and will likely be able to be done at home. Having it outside could be good as well as it could create a good effect with the boy’s hair as he sings, like a fan would as well as having the natural light to effectively light the screen.
Location two – this would be a location for the narrative, and would probably be used nearer the beginning but only in small snippets. It would be in my bedroom, and would be of the girl crying. As my bed’s headboard consists of a black heart pattern, it would be quite effective and juxtaposition to have a crying girl next to it.
Location three – could perhaps be in a wood (Bourne?). As I will be filming in December there is likely to be snow. This in a forest would be quite lonely and cold, signifying the girl’s own feelings. The same would be without snow, though the snow would make it stronger.
I’m not sure if this is the best idea as it might not fit well with the rest of the images, but I think that either the wood, or fields, would be good to use due to their silence, emptiness and loneliness. I will have to choose a part of them that isn’t often seen however, as otherwise it will make it look tacky (for example not on the main footpaths).